Monday, October 11, 2010

Kesan Excident 10/10/10

Ya Allah..ngeri btul brita hr ni, sampai 12 org meninggal, klau tgk pic2 xcident tu (bleh tgk kat fb Mohamad Zahlan) cam nak nangis ja...napa la driver tu bwk laju2...bukannya tak sampai klau bwk slow2 kan...
bc paper sinar td, selain dr xcident bas+van+keta tu..ada lg xcident2 lain dr rata2 tmpt...kbyakkannya motosikal. Semakin takut aku...dah la slama ni takut tambah nengok gambar2 n bc crita2 ngeri mcm gini...klau xcident yg selain moto ni...leh dibuang lg rs takut tu. tp klau bab2 motosikal ni...ya ni 2 tayar ja, dah la kecik kan, digilisnya ngan lori....nauzubillah....
cukuplah sekali me xcident dulu, sampai skrg me bwk scooter 60km/jam. Takutnya hanya Allah ja tau, balik td pun, pikir dulu..nak balik ke tak..or nak suh org htr balik jgk ngan scooter ksyangn me tu...sepanjang jln tu takut, takutnya sampai sakit dada, sampai ja dpn umah bgenang ayaq mata... alhamdulillah...selamat.
sebab tu la me tak naik bas, sejak abih blajar dulu, sblm ni pun ada kes bas sani tu kan..uiii...gerun btul. last skali me naik bas tuk travel jejauh, dr penang ke seremban, tu pun sebab me kena tinggal ngan flight airasia~kena tinggal tu sebab dah lewat sgt, time tu stuck kat jambatan p.pinang tu,ujung thn kan ada pesta p.pinang,me rs klau me jln kaki sempat kot..x gerak langsung ketanya...nangis me kat airport time tu..huhuhu, kluar umah kul 5ptg..flight kul 9...x ke gila namanya...time tu dah tak mampu nak sumpah seranah penang dah coz buat pesta kan, marah terlampau~time tu tpaksa gak la amik bas coz esoknya me keja.
klau dkat2 tu dlm 45minit, tu pun sebab ada keja, dr seremban ke lcct.
Kalau nak balik kg, me rela naik train, klau bas..urmmm..takyah balik langsung. Tapi slalunya me balik naik flight, train tu last 2nd choice n last choice. Bas...not in da list. Sedara2 me pun, me tak kasi naik bas, klau naik bas...aduhh...susahnya hati ni.
ok..dah, close crita ni...takut + sedih.
(* nape aku guna ganti nama "me" ni? yekkk!*)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mengapa Kita Lambat Bertemu Jodoh?

Ni en.ajis la ni, bising2 pasal aku tak kawen lg. Aduh..pastu disuruhnya aku bc artikel ni...
artikel ni panjang sbnrnya tp aku letak tajuk utama ja kat sini, sebab artikelnya dah dishare dlm blogspot fazilzurakil ,

"Usaha sudah dibuat tapi mengapa masih ada yang tidak bertemu jodoh? Menurut Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah, lambat bertemu jodoh ini mungkin disebabkan:
  1. Usaha Belum Sempurna
  2. Belum Benar-benar Bersedia
  3. Tiada Daya Penarik
  4. Doa Tidak Makbul
  5. Restu Ibu Bapa Belum Total
  6. Faktor Metafizikal
Ada betulnya jugak artikel ni... usaha tu aku rs..tak byk kot aku usaha ke arah tu, then klau dah tak berusaha tu means tak bersedia tuk ke stage tu lg lah..
Tiada daya penarik ~ komen lah bab ni, terima seadanya, as long as am happy with who i am kan.. doa tak makbul ni susah nak ditafsirkan sb yg makbulkan doa kita tu Allah, jd hanya Allah yg lebih tau apa yg terbaik tuk hambaNya. Teringat kata2 Ally Iskandar dlm MHI pagi raya baru ni, sebab dia slalu kena buli ngan soklan "bila nak kawen?"...katanya~(sbnrnya ayat dr mak dia) "jodoh tu tak lambat and tak jugak cepat...just nice je" :) suka betul aku ngan ayat tu....
Restu mak bapak ni..urmm..mak bapak dah suh kawen dah bebalik pd punca pertama td tu...blum la nampak gayanya..
Faktor metafizikal ni ~ dah masuk bab2 sihir n buatan org..urmm no komen jgk.

Blum sampai seru lg...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

6 Signs You're in the Wrong Career

Dah jadi rutin harian klau kat opis mesti bukak, then view topik2 best kat news terperasan lak topik ni kan...bagus tuk kongsi sesama ~ jom kita baca 6 signs ni

1 - You want to make more money.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a bigger paycheck. It may not happen overnight, but if you're committed to this goal there are things you can do to work toward it.



2 - You are bored with your job.

Watching the minutes melt away at work isn't just boring; it's bad for you and bad for your company.


  • Whether it's transitioning to another job in your company, or making a career change, pursuing your passion is a good place to start.
  • Julia Child didn't learn how to cook until the age of 37, when she enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu. If you love the culinary arts, consider going to cooking school.
  • Take the time to discover what moves you - and what careers can make use of your skills - whether it's graphic design, web design, interior design, or something else entirely.

3 - You are getting passed over for promotion.

No matter the job or the circumstances, watching others leapfrog you at work is a difficult thing to endure.


  • The key is to demonstrate that you deserve a promotion. Let your boss know that you have aspirations to move up and ask for areas where you can improve your performance.
  • Consider adding to your qualifications by getting a certificate or degree.
  • For those looking to move into management, you can handpick the MBA program that's right for you, whether it's management, marketing, or human resources.
  • Keep in mind that many companies offer tuition assistance plans to ease the cost of going to school.

4 - You are afraid of getting laid off.

It's no secret that the unemployment rate is up, making job security a common concern for many Americans. But if your lack of job security is detracting from your work, it may be time to focus on long-term career stability.


  • Some careers are more stable than others. If you are fearful that you will lose your job, start putting together a plan for other careers that fit your qualifications and personality.
  • Education may be part of an effective long-term strategy, or even a near-term one, since there are plenty of shorter training programs, like a paralegal studies certificate or a technology support certificate.
  • Consider career tracks that are growing - not shrinking. For example, the U.S. Department of Labor forecasts excellent job prospects for medical assistants, accountants, and nurses.

5 - You search job postings while at work.

Trolling for a new job while on the clock isn't just dangerous; it's inappropriate. It's also an indication that all is not well at work.


  • First of all, stop! You'll only make things worse if the boss or a co-worker nabs you.
  • Next, start using your free time to beef up your resume and network.
  • Earning a certificate is a quick way to boost your qualifications. With some previous education, you may be able to get the education you need to start a career like medical assisting or paralegal in as little as 18-24 months.
  • Getting a degree, while it's a longer commitment, can indicate to potential employers that you have the necessary skills and drive to succeed.

6 - You dread waking up in the morning.

Hitting the snooze button isn't a warning sign that you're in the wrong career, but having recurring nightmares about your job could be a signal that it's time to make a change.


  • Do a self-assessment or talk to a career counselor. What's bothering you at work - and why? If it's time to change careers, make sure you look before you leap.
  • Getting a degree can arm you with the skills and confidence you need to make the transition.
  • Going to school at night or online may allow you to keep your current job while looking for a new one.
  • Health care is one hot option. The industry is ripe with employment opportunities.
Artikel ni ditulis oleh :
Chris Kyle

"Your career is like a relationship...

Things can go from good to bad - and back to good again - in a flash.

In most cases, tough times at work are just temporary and quickly cure themselves. But when career pain becomes chronic, then it's time to consider making a change."

i loooove orange :p

suka betul dengan blog ni compare to Journal Suri, hahaha..mybe sebab layout ni orange kot...yeahh...sungguh happy dgn color oren ni. " apa kau rasa?"..~"orennn"
waiting for freedom day, end of this month...huhu...sometimes sedih gak memandangkan "freedom is coming soon" wishing happiness alwaz around me~ amin~

wish list :
1) nak buat cupcake
2) nak buat homemade chocolate
3) nak shopping shawl + baju
4) nak jenjalan :p

sbnrnya dah lama tgk blog ni...dr tahun lepas lg, "Mas Des Fontaine Homemade Choc"
Nak pegi tp takda geng lak yg nak..ish..ish.

Kelas Coklat
2 orang setiap kelas
Setiap Rabu atau Sabtu (9 am to 3 pm).
RM 250 termasuk nota, bahan-bahan yang diguna, dan jamuan ringan..bayar masa kelas. (Anda akan membawa pulang min 50 biji coklat, jangan lupa bawa bekas utk bawa balik coklat yang dibuat )

Alamat kelas:
Mas des Fontaine (Map)
Lot PT 10857, Jalan Sentosa 8
Taman Desa Sentosa, Teras Jernang
Bandar Baru Bangi